Green energy
With the help of the 952 photovoltaic panels installed on the roofs of our factories in Romania, 20% of the energy consumed for the production of thermal insulation panels, respectively 60% of the energy consumed for the production of cold galvanized profiles comes from solar energy.

Electric forklifts
By purchasing electric forklifts for daily logistics activities, we reduce diesel fuel consumption by more than 11 tons annually.

Fighting deforestation
Fighting deforestation is complicated, but planting a tree is within our power. Our team planted over 2000 spruce and larch saplings, in the village of Bistrita Bârgăului.

Fighting plastic pollution
Plastic pollution is a major problem worldwide, and it is urgent to fight it. That is precisely why we are committed to strictly complying with a set of rules and habits, through which we manage to recycle over 250 kg of plastic pets annually.

The circularity of water
Through our everyday actions, we can save water and contribute, each of us, to a better world. With the help of the rainwater collection system, we will be able to reuse over 700 cubic meters of water annually.

Electric cars
Electric cars are not going to take the market by storm but it's going to be a gradual improvement for all of us. The non-polluting, 100% electric cars - which are used for the company's activity, represent only a first step towards a cleaner environment.

Education for nature
Not all classrooms have four walls, and nature is a tool that helps children experience not only their environment, but also themselves. Together with the TeraSteel children, we visit the Alexandru Borza Botanical Garden in Cluj-Napoca, a special location full of inspiration for lovers of nature and beauty.

Cleaning the rivers
In our company, we started concrete actions to reduce consumption, so that in one year we collected and recycled approx. 500 m3 of rainwater. Moreover, we are actively involved in what it means to clean the riverbeds in the areas where we operate and in the restoration of natural ecosystems. Together we make a better world.